What is transparency? What do we mean by that?

Well, think about working in a glass building where everyone can see what everyone is doing. There is no hiding which tends to build accountability, credibility, and outright honesty. There’s a reason why CEOs are now in the forefront again talking about their product & company. This exudes the ultimate belief in the product and company, that even the CEO, Founder, owner, is willing to put himself out there…being completely transparent…answering the questions, accepting the judgments, and addressing them with firm integrity and rumor-ending answers.

No longer is the mentality that the big dogs sit in their penthouse offices while their minions do all the work trying (and sometimes guessing) at conveying their passion and vision for the company. The CEOs & owners are in the trenches with their team, because they are passionate about their work; wanting to share that excitement and accept responsibility with their team…because they know by owning transparency, this will lead to credibility, honesty, and loyalty, but more importantly, because of that…market share.